Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s the one buzzword that’s pervaded every industry ever since digital marketing became a big deal. What exactly is SEO, what does it have to do with blogging, and how can it grow your business? Our Rogue Wave Marketing pros have these answers.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website. Based on your website content, users find you through search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These search engines use their technical programming expertise to match what users search for with what you provide.
What is SEO Blogging?

SEO blogging means creating blog content that is optimized for search engines. While making sure your website and blog are visually effective is critical, the written content is equally important. The first thing you need in a blog is a keyword. By targeting the right keywords, you help search engines like Google understand what your blog is about. Start by focusing on one keyword in your blog that helps you target your blog more precisely. For example, if you own an accounting firm, you may decide that “tax accountant” is your keyword to target if you want to build traffic to your website and ultimately land more clients who need tax help.

Think of blogging like fishing without any bait on your hook: You’re out there, but not making much of an impact. SEO blogging is like adding a juicy worm—more fish will see it and be drawn to you before you reel them in. SEO blogging builds your online presence and engages your intended audience. It creates a win-win because people and are better able to find you in the vast open waters of the online world.

What are the Benefits of SEO Blogging?

There are actually several benefits of SEO blogging, but these are the biggest advantages of optimizing your blog content:

It how you effectively build internal links, keywords, and shares.

We covered how keywords matter in SEO blogging, but as you blog on more topics you build up your library of keywords and make your site more robust and searchable over time. Internal links, which are links in your blog to other webpages or blog posts on your site, also help your blog posts rank better among search engines. Publishing blogs and sharing them on your social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) helps you reach a larger audience while generating stronger search signals. All of this together helps boost your presence, which eventually leads to attracting more customers.

SEO blogging Increases your sales leads for FREE.

You want your customers and prospects to consider you an expert and a valuable provider of your products and/or services. Blogging helps you build this reputation as you share your expertise with your audience. SEO blogging takes this knowledge-sharing to the next level by making your audience more aware of your brand and the value you provide. Let’s say a customer searches online for “plumbers in Milwaukee.” Effective SEO efforts in your website and blogging would rank you high
enough that you appear on that first page of search results.

Increases your sales leads, for FREE. Yes, you read this right. Effective SEO blogging brings more prospects and customers to your products and services. In fact, there’s no need to pay for online advertising if you have a winning SEO strategy for your web and blog content because it drives traffic and improves your rankings automatically. That’s because organic SEO listings receive 90% of the clicks! And at an average of $2.32 Cost Per Click (CPC) for online advertising, free certainly seems like a wiser option.

How Can My Business Start SEO Blogging?

It may sound obvious, but you need to blog consistently before you can start SEO blogging. How often? That depends on your business and how much you want to make SEO work for you. Ideally, you’d blog twice per month, but starting out monthly is a good base if that seems more realistic to you. But why spend your valuable time creating blogs and SEO blogging when you have a business to run? That’s where an online marketing professional can help. Contact Rogue Wave Marketing to discuss how we can help you grow through SEO, so you have more time for your business.