Help! I Need to Change My Website!

Published December 13, 2019
As the saying goes, “The only constant is change.” That’s definitely true in business. And especially accurate in digital marketing and websites.

But no worries, Rogue Wave is on it!

Our goal at Rogue Wave Marketing is to ensure our Website Hosting & Maintenance clients have easy access to their websites to make their own changes or updates.

So, if we built your website, you have Admin Access when the site goes live. We don’t hold those passwords and credentials hostage in a tricky attempt to then charge you for updating minor tweaks and edits to your very own website. That’s garbage and not how we roll.

As a Website Hosting & Maintenance client,* we ensure website speed and backup your site daily—this is huge! Because should anything happen, the WORST-CASE scenario is that you’d only lose changes made in the last 24 hours—no biggie. (*By the way, we can host and maintain your site even if we didn’t build it!)

[email protected]

And if you’d rather not make those website changes on your own, we’re just a click away.

Send an email to [email protected]. This email alerts two (yes, two!) team members.

Expect a reply within one business day explaining…#1) We will make the changes—FREE!— if they’re “Covered Changes” (see below), or…#2) We’re creating a quote for you to update the website if changes are significant.

What is a “Covered Change” under your hosting & maintenance?

We work fast and smart. So if your changes take less than one hour, it’s just more efficient for our team (and yours) to just make the changes. Boom—Done! It would actually take more time to create a quote, get approval, make the changes, and issue an invoice. That’s slow and messy, also not how we roll.

Examples of “Covered Changes”:

  • Adding a few sentences or paragraphs you’ve written to an existing page
  • Swapping a photo
  • Updating members on your “About” page
  • Changing address, phone number, or email on “Contact” page

These are just a few examples, but there are many instances where we can lend a hand super fast and free under the Covered Change policy.

We love to invest in strong, ongoing relationships with all our clients, and that’s why we created our [email protected] email. We truly value feedback from clients on how we can help them grow and continue to improve.

Ready for the service you deserve?

Rogue Wave would love to be your website and marketing partner—gladly offering Admin Access and free Covered Changes. Let’s work together! 

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