Love at first sight, or love is blind?

Communication can be classified as verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual. If you’ve been following along with our social media posts, we’ve been going over the importance of visual communication pertaining to your website. We’ve also talked about how content can be fun (or otherwise known as written communication), but here’s a quick summary as to why your website content is so important if it’s done correctly: Better content = more traffic = more sales.

  • It’s cost-effective and improves your ROI
  • It boosts your SEO (therefore, your website traffic) 
  • It increases your audience’s trust and loyalty by humanizing your brand
  • It can boost your authority within your industry

Every brand has its own voice, tone, writing style, and various forms of communication. Instead of trying to guide you through your writer’s block- or as we nicknamed it,” blogger’s block,” here are some ideas we hope will get you inspired and back on the saddle, or on the saddle in the first place.

1. Answer Their Problems

What’s the first thing we tell the people who’ve solved our biggest problems,” OMG Thank you I LOVE YOU!”

People love solutions. 

To solve some blogger’s block, think of what products or services you offer to help solve your customer’s problems. First, write about what the problem is, which will not only be relatable to your reader but will also grab their emotional attention. Then, answer their problems with solutions you can provide them.

A blogger's block

2. Finding Inspiration Through Your Passions

Everybody loves talking about what they love. Have you ever asked how someone’s pet is without them showing you Buddy’s latest costume? If you’re experiencing some blogger’s block, here are some questions to prompt creativity for finding what you want to talk about that day.

How to overcome writer's block

If you’re not feelin’ that route, let’s talk about other things that interest you outside of your business. If you own a landscaping business but also love Star Wars, you can maybe talk about how you’d go about creating an Episode IV inspired backyard. Passions can always connect back to your business- because that’s another thing you love!

Creative writing

3. Give It Some Sparkle

Lastly, if you’re just looking to spice up your blog and make it irresistible for your readers to pass up, here are some adjectives that might not offer your blogger’s block:

Creative Content

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Still can’t seem to pinpoint those inspirations? From custom campaigns to website redesigns, we’d love to help you find your niche and grow your customer base. Join our wave by following us on social media, joining our newsletter, or seeing what we can do for your business by connecting with us today.