We want to get behind a woman with a really strong mission and vision for her company. So we asked each applicant to focus on what this website will do to help grow their business, why the business itself is so close to their heart and help us understand the fire behind her passion.
Each applicant completed an application and submitted a video.
“I feel so blessed to be invited into someone’s birth space because it’s such an intimate time of their life,” Kurtzhals said. “I have so much respect for my clients and how they choose to birth.”
View Brittany’s Video here.
The RWWC, whose tagline is “Empowered Women Empowering Women,” launched on International Women’s Day, March 8, and the first program will run through April 8 when voting via Facebook ends. Over the next 20 months, six more women entrepreneurs will win the design and development of their website and related marketing coaching, each package worth $7,500 – totaling $30,000 for 2019. Subsequent competitions run June 7 through July 7 and Sept. 6 through Oct. 6, as well as throughout 2020 when four more competitions will be held on a quarterly basis.
We’re accepting applications for one more week (the cut-off for Q1 is April 8), so check out our post for the application, or share this program with someone else who you think deserves a free website and coaching!